Brother Dennis Hadley

Senior Warden’s Message – September 2022

Greetings from The West.  In our constant pursuit to be better men and better Masons we sometimes stumble. After all, we are only human. I have created a story which should help illustrate what I mean.  One evening after a Stated Meeting at their Lodge the Brethren gathered outside to...

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Brother Dennis Hadley

Senior Warden’s Message – May 2022

In thinking what to write about this month I keep coming back to our May Stated Meeting and the discussion that took place. While I can’t divulge the details of the discussion, I can say that it had a very big impact on me and the way I think about...

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Brother Dennis Hadley

Senior Warden’s Message – April 2022

Hello Brethren, Well, it’s April already. We have now been at the Van Nuys Masonic Center for three months and after some hesitation and doubts, it’s going much better than any of us thought it would. We still have quite a ways to go, however, with regards to making ourselves...

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Brother Dennis Hadley

Senior Warden’s Message – March 2022

Greetings from the West, On Tuesday, March 8th our Lodge will perform what is known as the Ceremony of Obligation Renewal. It was written my WB Randy Brill who, at the present time, is the Deputy Grand Master of California Masons. Coincidently, DGM Brill will be in attendance at the...

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Brother Dennis Hadley

Senior Warden’s Message – February 2022

Greetings from the West, As February is recognized and celebrated as Black History Month I thought I would share some information about Prince Hall Masonry. On March 6, 1775, Prince Hall and 14 men of color were made masons in Lodge #441 of the Irish Registry attached to the 38th...

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Brother Dennis Hadley

Senior Warden’s Message – January 2022

Hello Brethren,  Well, here we are. Our lodge is in the last year of its first century and boy, have we been through a lot. And, in true Masonic fashion we have not only survived, but are stronger than ever. As we start 2022 I thought we should all take...

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Origins of Freemasonry

Legendarily, we trace the origins of Freemasonry to the building of King Solomon’s Temple in approximately 950 B.C.E. Historically, Freemasonry evolved from the medieval stonemasons guilds which some believe emerged at the building of the Gothic Cathedral of Strasbourg in France in the year 1275 C.E. While it is unclear...

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